

Néré Mining


Burkina Faso


2014 / 08 / 11




1.625% Au

Ongoing Payment:

20% of spot

Karma is a mesothermal, shear-hosted gold deposit. The soft nature of the open pit material allows the majority of the ore and waste to be excavated without blasting, making it a low cost operation. Production began in early 2016 from five open pits and ore is processed with conventional heap leaching. Recoveries range between 85% and 90% and gold production from Karma totaled 97 kozs during 2019.

Karma hosts a target-rich landscape with the essential hallmarks of a multi-deposit environment. The property consists of six contiguous exploration permits (Goulagou, Rambo, Kao, Rounga, Youba, and Tougou) totaling more than 900 km2 and includes more than 45 high-priority targets with high-grade rock values associated with gold-in-soil anomalies and historical workings that remain untested.

The Proven and Probable Reserves as of December 2019 totaled 9.2 Mt of 0.99 g/t material for 293 kozs of contained gold. Cut-off grades range from 0.3 to 0.8 g/t depending on the metallurgical character of the rock, including oxide, transition and sulphide material.

Recent Activity

    March 2022

    The Karma mine was sold to Néré Mining, a Burkina Faso based consortium with experience in local investments and the community where the mine is based.

    May 2021

    Karma is expected to meet its full year guidance and produce between 80 to 90 koz in 2021 at an AISC of $1,220–$1,300 per ounce.

    May 2020

    Endeavour has planned an exploration program of up to $2.0 million in the second half of 2020 with the aim of in-fill drilling and testing extensions of known deposits.

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